Tuesday, March 15, 2011

This is hard

As I get older and wiser, I remember why I don't like to put things in written form. #1 I'm a bad speller. #2 I would rather talk to a group of Ph.d's, Lawyers, Doctors, English Major's or anyone else about a subject that I have no idea about, than put my feelings in writing. #3 I'd rather which T.V. There are alot more, but you get the idea. This is hard for me. Yes I know about spell check. So does this make me a farmer, chicken,or eagle? I've never been a chicken, at least in my mind. I think today I'm a farmer with an Eagle on my arm pecking at my head. I'm trying to make the climb, I think I've taken a big step for me. So stay tuned, and wish me luck


  1. i think all of us have the chicken the farmer & the eagle in us for differnt aspects of our lives

  2. Good luck, Dad. You're a better writer than you think. That's one awesome metaphor. Pecking your head. Heehee.
