Saturday, April 30, 2011

Gray area

What is right for some and wrong for others? When is breaking the law alright? I don't have an answer, but I do have gray areas. I don't always follow the law of the land, mostly I drive to fast. I also swear to much, I was fired from teaching in Sunday school because I swear to much in class while I was teaching. I'm a very good Gospel Doc. teacher, at lease I was told I was by alot of people. If right is right and wrong is wrong, why do we as people melt the two together? When is gray O.K.? I would like to think we will always have the right to do as we please. I think we need laws, both from God and man, but I think our gray areas should be smaller. I'm working on mine,it's pretty wide. Think about making yours smaller. We all have them. Talk to you all soon.

1 comment:

  1. It can be easy to ignore those gray areas and tell ourselves, "Oh, that's no big deal." I heard someone say once that "strait and narrow" means "narrow and getting narrower." So, we just keep trying, improving little by little and our path gets narrower. Love you!
